By ADTACK Marketing on June 18, 2019

As a tourist, part of your excitement comes from exploring the area, learning about the culture, and experiencing new adventures. As a local tour guide, you know that you need to utilize social media ...

By ADTACK Marketing
on June 14, 2019
Nowadays, businesses in the tours, attractions and tourism industry deal with competition from not only local competition but also companies located around the world. With social media’s ever ...
By ADTACK Marketing
on June 06, 2019
A company's marketing campaign should be attracting as many customers as possible. However, it is nearly impossible for marketers to reach and engage everyone. Marketers must launch targeted ...
By ADTACK Marketing
on May 30, 2017
Is your marketing centered on your customer? Before answering, look at what your marketing focuses on the most. That will give you the answer and you may be surprised it is not customer centered. ...
By ADTACK Marketing
on January 20, 2017
In order to effectively sell a product or service, you must connect with your potential customer and present the product or service in a way they appreciate. The best way of doing this depends on how ...
By ADTACK Marketing
on December 09, 2016
With all the chatter about micro-moments, it can be easy for marketers to go overboard. Micro-moments are the key times when consumers pick up their phone with the express purpose of making an action ...
By ADTACK Marketing
on September 20, 2016
Are your customers struggling to complete their travel plans on your website? With dreams of a tropical vacation, a customer wants to book a cruise to the Bahamas. He finds the perfect deal on your ...
By ADTACK Marketing
on August 31, 2016
Incorporating live chat with your business’ website can help increase visitors’ time on page, improve conversion rates and reduce the number of phone calls your company’s reps receive. Live chat ...
By ADTACK Marketing
on August 29, 2016
In the business world, every customer counts. Every time someone walks through your front door, whether it's in a brick-and-mortar location or online, you're presented with the opportunity to make a ...
By ADTACK Marketing
on January 04, 2016
Mobile usage -and mobile marketing- have exploded in the last few years. It's increased so quickly, it's caught many off guard. Don't be one of them. If you aren't thinking mobile already, it's ...