You've probably had the day prominently marked on your calendar for weeks if not months: the date you plan to relaunch your company website following a redesign.
Inbound marketing is about utilizing a variety of mediums to attract new clients and customers to you rather than fighting their attention. But to know what the right medium you should take with ...
They are known as “emojis,” and the prefix accurately denotes that they supply a full range of emotion – from happiness to the universal hello: the waving hand.
While people were still pecking away at typewriters, cramming every square inch of the page with type and reading newspapers, which were equally crammed with type, a soon-to-be-famous German ...
With all the chatter about micro-moments, it can be easy for marketers to go overboard. Micro-moments are the key times when consumers pick up their phone with the express purpose of making an action ...
"Branded content" became something of a buzzword last year among inbound marketing gurus. Marketers chirped about creating 'native advertising' and building for Facebook; they repeated ad nauseam ...
"The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter--'tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning."
In an era when so much marketing is done online, businesses need top-notch content that converts. Any content that’s not effective is hindering the overall marketing plan. If you’re looking to ...
The face of SEO is changing thanks to large advancements in search algorithms. A decade ago, it was enough for search engine marketers to drop a bundle of keywords on a business page, throw some ...
Choosing a domain name for your website isn't something that should be taken lightly. After all, it is a name that will be used to identify your website, therefore impacting not only your site, but ...