The internet serves as a direct connection between your business and millions of consumers. Unfortunately, there are about a billion other entities trying to snatch people's attention away from your ...
For some time, content and images ruled as central features of launching new marketing campaigns. As withmost trends, however, the rising popularity of YouTube and other video sharing sites and apps ...
Since Pinterest’s debut five years ago the platform has experienced explosive growth. Today there are more than 50 billion pins on a billion boards. Even with the site’s massive popularity, many ...
With Google constantly focusing on quality content through the many Penguin and Panda algorithm updates, SEO experts, and content marketers have had to constantly make adjustments and evolve to keep ...
When businesses began transitioning their marketing efforts into the online space years ago, Google search was the primary reason for the change. Organic search and PPC were the only games in town, ...
Creating a marketing strategy can often seem like a daunting task. With so many different platforms and so much content available, it can be hard to determine what will resonate best with your ...
When it comes to social media marketing, Twitter has quickly become one of the premier channels to use over the past few years. Companies can use Twitter as a way to easily reach their audience on a ...
The Internet has seen a fairly predictable progression in terms of the favored mediums for social engagement. First there were keywords; and then, images. Image optimization allowed posts to go viral ...
Most businesses understand the importance of SEO (search engine optimization) in today’s increasingly Internet focused landscape. These strategies are necessary for increasing a company’s website ...
Selling items online opens the door to many new imaginative marketing ideas, but a website must still have a consistent business plan. While offering a collection of niches that neatly fall under one ...