Here's what Business Owners Need to Know About Ratings & Reviews

By ADTACK Marketing on July 31, 2020
Let ADTACK Help You Create a Stellar Buyer Experience that Garners Positive Reviews

Thanks to the rise of widespread internet access and the surging popularity of social media sites, customers are increasingly turning to the internet to voice their displeasure (or satisfaction) with the companies they do business with. Here's what you need to know about online ratings and reviews and a few tips that will encourage satisfied customers to speak up.

Most Customers Use Reviews in Their Purchasing Decisions

Customers aren't just scouring the web to check for potential negative reviews; they're also searching specifically for businesses with positive reviews. As of 2019, 90 percent of customers report that positive reviews influence their buying decisions.

It's also important for clients to know that the companies they're potentially doing business with encourage customer feedback. If a company has few or no reviews, this acts as a deterrent for many people. 

How You Handle a Negative Review Makes a Huge Difference

Even if you offer a superb product and superior customer service, your business is eventually going to receive a negative review. How you respond to these negative reviews makes a huge perception in how other potential customers view your company.

Don't ignore a negative review and avoid writing off the review as the opinion of one disgruntled person. People who read the review may have their opinions influenced by your response or lack thereof.

Start by apologizing for the customer's experience. Be genuine with your apology and sympathetic to their complaint. Then, move the conversation off of the review site. Invite the customer to call you, email you, or send a private message. 

If you suspect the details of the review are exaggerated or fabricated, ask the reviewer to provide you with more details about the incident, like the time, date and name of the employee that helped them. Asking for more details will subtly draw attention to the fact that the reviewer's claims may not be accurate. Even if they are true, requesting more details shows that you care about their thoughts.

Many review platforms, like Yelp and Google, don't allow the removal of negative reviews. This is true even if the review is unfounded. However, you can respond to the review. Potential customers will take your response as a sign that you value your customers' satisfaction. 

Manage Your Business’s Reputation

ADTACK offers reputation management to help you keep up to date with all of your reviews and customer interactions. For help on managing your business’s reviews, contact ADTACK today at 702-270-8772.

Published by ADTACK Marketing July 31, 2020