Why Digital Ads Are Taking Over Local Advertising

By ADTACK Marketing on November 28, 2016

The advent of the internet and spread of bigstock-ads-bidding-online-advertising-120398066.jpgsmartphones have changed the world as we know it and local advertising is no exception. With a smartphone in every consumer's pocket and millions interacting primarily on social media, digital advertising has quickly exploded. Today, mobile ads and other digital-based multimedia campaigns are a major focus for small businesses and corporations alike. In fact, this year marked a milestone in the heyday of digital ads. In 2016, businesses spent more on digital advertising than TV commercials for the first time ever.   

So why, exactly, are digital ads becoming such an important part of local business models? And how can your business benefit from tapping into this trend? Let's explore the types of digital advertisements and why they're changing the game for local advertising campaigns.

Social Media Ads

Millions of Americans use ad blockers to erase pop-ups and sidebar ads from websites they visit. But it's more difficult to avoid social media ads, especially the promoted content that appears in users' Facebook feeds. Sandwiched between their friends' and families' posts, your content is more palatable and may feel casual and familiar. Of course, the biggest benefit is your ability to target people with very specific interests or who live in certain neighborhoods. Thanks to Facebook's detailed data collection, widespread use and targeted advertising options, social media advertising gives you more control than ever over the audience you reach. Location-based Facebook ads are the present and future of local advertising.

Mobile Ads

It's important to have a mobile-optimized website people can easily access from any smartphone. But what about your advertising campaign? Mobile ads appear directly on potential customers' phone screens and up to a third of all mobile ads appear within apps they download. Target people who download apps or games related to your business or pay to include them on websites for local media companies or social media platforms. Smartphones aren't going anywhere and neither are mobile ads.

Other Digital Advertising Strategies

Of course, there are other ways to target people with digital advertisements. If you have a local business, search engine optimization is an effective way to reach people searching for products or services in your area. But search engine ads also allow you to grab interested parties when they're most likely to take action. Google Ads are customizable and constantly evolving to make sponsored links look organic and appealing. The key is to make sure your links lead to valuable information, because search engines reward actionable content.

Want to create more leads and reach new people through digital devices? Digital ads are the future of marketing, so keep your business competitive with help from our marketing experts. At ADTACK, we know how to create engaging digital ad campaigns that build your brand and appeal to your target demographic. Call 702-270-8772 today to request a free consultation. 


Published by ADTACK Marketing November 28, 2016