Jumpstart Your Inbound Marketing Guide Part Two

By Ashley Hoppe on November 06, 2015

Jumpstart Your Inbound Marketing Guide

If you haven’t test driven inbound marketing yet, here’s a quick primer on the inbound marketing roadmap.

There are four stages in the inbound process — attract visitors, convert leads, close customers, and delight evangelists. Each stage has specific objectives and ways to achieve those goals. Here is a quick overview:

  1. Attract Visitors. This phase is all about attracting the right target audience to your company’s website. Ideal ways to attract more of your perfect customers at this stage include blog posts, your website, search engine optimization (SEO) and social media.

  2. Convert Leads. Once you’ve attracted visitors to your site, the next step is to convert those visitors into leads by gathering their contact information — the most valued commodity of inbound. This occurs when you provide something so meaningful that people want to give you their email address to get it. Tools to convert visitors into leads are landing pages with, calls-to-action, white papers, e-books, free guides, and tip sheets.

  3. Close Customers. What do you do with your leads? You enter them into the sales pipeline to begin moving them toward becoming a customer. This is done with emails, CRM systems, and marketing automation.

  4. Delight Evangelists. In inbound, companies don’t just forget about their customers. They continue to interact with them and delight them. This helps businesses gain several advantages — including the opportunity to upsell, receive word-of-mouth endorsements, and keep customers in the face of rising competition.

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Published by Ashley Hoppe November 6, 2015