5 Things You Can Do When You Pass Your HubSpot Certification Test

By Ashley O'Donnell on May 22, 2019
Finally. That happy green circle has appeared on your screen and you passed your Inbound or Marketing Software Certification tests. It feels really good. But what should you do with all of these happy emotions? ADTACK has some answers for you!

Dance Like a Fool!



Whether you want to Dougie, Charleston or Floss, you earned every moment of your victory dance! While you're dancing, hit the record button and tweet your special dance to your followers. Use the special hashtag #hubspotcertified to be connected with other champions of inbound marketing and maybe catch some other sweet moves too. 


See the world! Meet people!


This may seem counter-intuitive to most of the digital marketing best practices but you have been studying & applying the techniques online; now is your chance to apply the inbound methods in an outbound adventure. You can celebrate your efforts by taking a vacation, or you can use the rush of excitement from passing the test to Join networking sites like www.meetup.com or www.eventbrite.com to find local events with industry leaders. Tell them about your recent success and why it would matter to their business. You might get a HubSpot client from your extra efforts. 


Shout it from the Rooftop! 



Now that the rest of the world knows of your success, craft an email blast specifically targeted at your established clients. Let them know how you will use the techniques and best practices you learned from the HubSpot certification test. Embed a call to action into your email that will generate a segmented list of interested clients. 


Hang your certificate



Passing the certification test is not an easy feat. It takes time and preparation to pass. When you do pass your test (five quick tips), print out your certificate and display your accomplishment with pride.


Use it!


Now that you are certified, put your HubSpot knowledge to work. A few examples to get stared with inbound marketing using their platform are creating a blog post a week, testing different call-to-actions and using your social monitoring tool to see what others are saying about your clients/company. There are numerous ways you can use their platform to meet your marketing goals for each client.

All of our ADTACK employees are trained in the HubSpot platform. If you have a specific question that you can’t find the answer to, let us know in the comment section below, we are happy to help!

Let's Talk About Your Goals

Published by Ashley O'Donnell May 22, 2019