4 Tips on How to Start a Podcast for Your Business

By ADTACK Marketing on June 15, 2023

Why would anyone start a podcast?

30 million reasons.

That’s right. The Joe Rogan Experience podcast makes about $30 million annually, with the industry generating more than $1 billion yearly.

If that inspires you to start your own podcast, you must learn how to run a tight ship by following a proven formula to stand any chance in an increasingly competitive field.

While your podcast might not generate such hefty revenues, here are the top tips on how to start a podcast for your business and enhance your chances of success.

Woman explaining how to start a podcast for your business

1. Research and define your niche

Identifying your topic is the easy part, but nailing down the niche can be tricky. Researching should make it easier.

Narrowing down your topic should help you focus on a niche and establish your podcast as a subject matter expert in the long run. Research existing podcasts to identify gaps in knowledge, determine how to start a podcast for your business, and grow your business

2. Organize your content

Start by first identifying your target audience. That’s the only way you’ll understand what podcast formatting works and create content that is relevant and valuable to them. Some of the popular podcast formats include:

  • News
  • Interviews
  • Educational 
  • Scripted non-fiction
  • Scripted fiction

Trying to be everything to everyone only leads to confusion.

3. Set up your podcast and production

Audio quality will make or break your podcast. Invest in an excellent microphone and install sound dampening on the walls to ensure the room is echo-free.

Ensure you have quality recording hardware, software, and enough storage for the audio files. Record, edit, and upload the first episode way before the launch date.

Set up an account and host it on sites such as Blubrry, Podbean, or Libsyn. They will provide an RSS feed you’ll send to podcast streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple, Stitcher, or Google Podcasts. 

4. Marketing 

One of the key ways to ensure the podcast’s success is marketing. Generate a buzz around its launch by creating a marketing plan weeks before. Leverage social media liberally and provide tidbits of the first interview to whet their appetites.

Alternatively, you could hire a digital marketing agency, such as ADTACK Marketing, to help with marketing.

Hire a Professional Podcasting Studio

If the above steps seem like such a hassle, hiring a podcasting studio would probably be best. These contain experts in recording, editing, and content delivery, and have professional-grade equipment. 

Contact us today if you need expert help on how to start a podcast for your business.


Published by ADTACK Marketing June 15, 2023