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Window Shades Manufacturer and Retailer

A leading manufacturer and retailer of window shades and awnings, embarked on a comprehensive digital transformation to expand their market reach and boost sales. They focused on enhancing their marketing strategies and strengthening relationships with dealers and new potential customers.
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  • Need to increase brand visibility and attract new dealers.
  • Desire to boost retail sales and grow the national dealer network.
  • Requirement for effective communication with home developers, architects, contractors, and designers.
  • Creation of engaging content to support sales and training efforts.

Solutions Implemented

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Digital Marketing Campaign

We launched an extensive digital marketing campaign, utilizing Google AdWords, content marketing, SEO, emails, video, and display ads. This multi-faceted approach aimed to enhance online visibility and drive traffic to their website.

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Print Collateral and Direct Mail Campaigns

In addition to their digital efforts, they invested in high-quality print collateral and direct mail campaigns. These traditional marketing methods complemented their online strategies, reaching potential customers through multiple channels.

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HubSpot Marketing Pro Utilization

The ADTACK team leveraged HubSpot Marketing Pro to target new potential dealers and strengthen relationships with existing ones. This tool allowed for precise segmentation and targeted communication, improving engagement and conversion rates.

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Sales and Training Videos

To support their sales team and dealers, we created a series of sales and training videos. These videos provided valuable information about their products and effective selling techniques, enhancing the overall sales process.

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Targeted Communication

The company developed targeted communication strategies aimed at home developers, architects, contractors, and designers. These efforts ensured that their messaging was relevant and impactful, catering to the specific needs of these professionals.

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Development of Slogan and Jingle

Our creative team developed a catchy slogan and jingle to strengthen their brand identity. This endeavor helped to make their brand more memorable and appealing to a broader audience.


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Increased Leadsfor Retail Sales

The comprehensive digital marketing campaign led to a remarkable 370% increase in leads for retail sales. The combination of SEO, SEM, and engaging content played a significant role in this achievement.
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Expansion of National Dealer List

Their targeted efforts and the utilization of HubSpot Marketing Pro resulted in expanding their national dealer list by 18X. This substantial growth demonstrated the effectiveness of their dealer-targeted strategies.